Export Requirements for the Republic of
KS-212 (Mar 25, 2020)
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A. Eligible product
1. Beef or beef products derived from (1) cattle born and raised in
the United States, (2) cattle imported into the United States, for example from
Canada, and raised in the United States for at least 100 days prior to
slaughter, or (3) cattle legally imported into the United States from a country
deemed eligible by the Korean government to export beef or beef products to
Korea. Presently limited to Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand.
Korean beef importers and U.S.
exporters have reached a commercial understanding that, as a transitional
measure, only U.S. beef from cattle less than 30-months of age will be shipped
to Korea. AMS has set up a voluntary Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program to
verify that beef from participating plants will be from cattle less than 30
months of age. Information regarding USDA Bovine Export Verification (EV)
Programs can be found at the AMS Web site and information
regarding the AMS QSA LT30 Age Verification Programs can be found at the AMS Web site.
Eligible beef and beef products must be produced under an approved AMS EV
program for beef to Korea. At this time, Korea will not accept at port-of-entry
shipments of beef without the QSA program statement in the Remarks section of
the FSIS 9060-5 as described in the Documentation section, and Korean quarantine
officials will return shipments without the statement to the owner/agent of the
product. A list of QSA approved establishments and their approval dates can be
obtained from the AMS Web site.
Eligible beef and beef products, including bone-in beef, deboned beef, offal,
and variety meats must be derived from animals slaughtered on or after the QSA
program approval date of the slaughter establishment. Beef and beef product
derived from certain categories of cattle imported from Canada, imported beef
and beef products, and processed beef products are ineligible. See B.
Ineligible Products.
Note: Exporters
interested in shipping eligible small intestine to Korea are advised to contact
USDA¡¯s Foreign Agricultural Service office at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul
at agseoul@fas.usda.gov before
preparing a shipment, as these products may experience difficulty clearing
quarantine inspection.
Each establishment that participates in the AMS
EV Program for beef to Korea is required to maintain a unique product
identification system, which can be accessed by authorized FSIS inspection
personnel on Partner Web via the FSIS' Intranet.
If FSIS inspection personnel become aware of concerns that a USDA approved EV
establishment is not properly executing its EV program, export certification
should not be issued for the product in question and AMS should be notified
at QAD.AuditService@ams.usda.gov.
Inspection personnel should include their immediate supervisor on messages to
AMS. The following information should be included in the message:
name, address, and establishment number
type, product code, and quantity of product
Date of
production, lot number, and shift
Date and
nature of observation
Name of
country product is intended for export
certificate number (if applicable)
Any other
information to verify claim
Name of
inspection official
3. Deboned beef derived from cattle less than 30 months of age that
was processed at eligible establishments before October 5, 2007 are eligible.
The beef is to have been produced according to the AMS EV program in place at
the time of production. A list of eligible establishments and their specific
periods of eligibility are available at AMS' Web site.
4. Heat treated poultry meat and poultry meat products
slaughtered and processed on or after January 1, 2015 but prior to January 1,
2016 that is sourced from birds hatched and raised in the United States or
legally imported into the United States are eligible. Heat treated poultry meat
and poultry meat products slaughtered and processed on or after January 1, 2016
and sourced from birds hatched and raised in the United States are eligible
except as indicated in the ineligible section.
5. Poultry meat and poultry meat products sourced from birds
hatched and raised in the United States.
Heat treated
poultry meat and poultry meat products sourced from birds hatched and raised in
the United States and slaughtered and processed on or after January 1, 2016 are
eligible except as indicated in the ineligible section.
b. Non-heat treated poultry meat and poultry meat products sourced
from birds hatched and raised in the United States and slaughtered and
processed on or after November 19, 2015 are eligible except as indicated in the
Ineligible product section.
c. USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has set up a
voluntary Poultry Export Verification (EV) Program for Korea to verify that
poultry meat and poultry meat products were sourced from birds, other than
commercially raised chickens, ducks and geese, which were hatched and raised in
the United States. Certification that commercially raised chickens, ducks, and
geese are hatched and raised in the United States can be made based upon
assurances provided by the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS),
Veterinary Services (VS); therefore, commercially raised chickens, ducks, and
geese are exempt from participating in the Poultry EV Program. Exporting
establishments that slaughter and process birds, other than commercially raised
chickens, ducks and geese, must participate in the Poultry EV Program in order
to export poultry meat and poultry meat products to Korea. Information about
the Poultry EV Program and a list of Poultry EV approved establishments and
their approval dates can be found at the AMS website. Each
establishment that participates in the Poultry EV Program for Korea is required
to maintain a unique product identification system, which can be accessed by
authorized FSIS inspection personnel on Partner Web via
the FSIS Intranet.
d. If FSIS inspection personnel become aware of concerns that an
approved Poultry EV establishment is not properly executing its Poultry EV program,
export certification should not be issued for the product in question and AMS
should be notified at QAD.AuditService@ams.usda.gov. Inspection personnel should include their immediate supervisor
on messages to AMS. The following information should be included in the
name, address, and establishment number
type, product code, and quantity of product
Date of
production, lot number, and shift
Date and
nature of observation
Name of
country product is intended for export
certificate number (if applicable)
Any other
information to verify claim
Name of
inspection official
6. Pork products- Please see section below - Plants Not Eligible to
7. Nongravid pork uteri from gilts and unscalded stomachs and
intestines may be exported as edible product.
8. Pork Casings
9. Pork Bones
Note: Exporters
should work closely with importers to assure that bones comply with any
classification requirements of Korean Customs.
10. Protein-free tallow (see Documentation Requirements below).
Note: Beef
tallow does not require an EV Program.
B. Ineligible product
1. Beef and beef products derived from cattle imported from Canada
for immediate slaughter are ineligible.
2. Beef and beef products derived from cattle imported from Canada
that were resident in the U.S. less than 100 days prior to slaughter are
3. Imported beef and beef products are not eligible for direct
export or for export after processing in the U.S.
4. Processed beef products (e.g., any product that has added
ingredients) are ineligible at this time.
5. Other ruminant and ruminant products other than those identified
in A. are ineligible for export.
6. Imported meat and poultry and meat and poultry products
(including natural and collagen casings) are not eligible for direct export or
for export after processing in the U.S.
7. Equine meat.
8. Non-heat-treated poultry meat and poultry meat products are
ineligible if:
Sourced from
birds slaughtered and processed prior to August 16, 2017
a. California
¡× Sourced from birds from the 10km radius ineligible zones
slaughtered on or after December 14, 2018 (see reference map for applicable dates and zones) and before February 24,
¡× Slaughtered on or after September 8, 2018, but prior to July 29,
2019, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Stanislaus County, CA.
¡× Slaughtered on or after April 20, 2019, but prior to
September 18th, 2019, sourced from birds from the 10km radius ineligible
zone shown on the attached map in
Monterey County, CA.
¡× Slaughtered on or after June 27, 2019, sourced from birds from
the 10km radius ineligible zone shown on the attached map in
Merced County, CA.
b. Connecticut
¡× Slaughtered on or after March 29, 2019, but prior to July 6,
2019, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Fairfield County, CT.
c. Minnesota
¡× Slaughtered on or after October 20, 2018, but prior to
April 30, 2019, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Kandiyohi County, MN.
¡× Slaughtered on or after October 31, 2018, but prior to
April 30, 2019, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Stearns County, MN.
d. Missouri
¡× Slaughtered on or after March 3, 2018, but prior to July 30,
2018, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Jasper County, MO.
¡× Slaughtered on or after March 15, 2018, but prior to August 21,
2018, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Webster County, MO and Wright County, MO.
e. North Carolina
¡× Slaughtered on or after March 12, 2020, sourced from birds from
the 10km radius ineligible zone shown on the attached map in
Anson and Union Counties, NC (see map for applicable dates and zones).
¡× Slaughtered on or after March 14, 2019, but prior to August 8,
2019, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Lancaster County, PA.
g. South Carolina
on or after March 17, 2020, sourced from birds from the 10km radius ineligible
zone shown on the attached map in
Chesterfield County, SC.
h. Texas
¡× Slaughtered on or after March 7, 2018, but prior to June 21,
2018, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Hopkins County, TX.
9. Non-heat treated poultry meat and poultry meat products sourced
from birds hatched and/or raised outside the United States are ineligible.
10. Heat-treated poultry meat and poultry meat products slaughtered
and processed on or after January 1, 2016 sourced from birds hatched and/or
raised outside the United States are ineligible.
11. Heat-treated poultry meat and poultry meat products are
ineligible if:
in Jackson County, AL on or after March 12, 2017, but prior to June 14, 2017,
sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map.
in Lauderdale County, AL on or after March 14, 2017, but prior to June 20,
2017, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map.
in Pickens County, AL on or after March 16, 2017, but prior to July 12, 2017,
sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map.
in Madison County, AL on or after March 17, 2017, but prior to June 19, 2017,
sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map.
in Cullman County, AL on or after March 21, 2017, but prior to July 18, 2017,
sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map.
a. California
on or after September 8, 2018, but prior to July 29, 2019 sourced from birds
from the zone shown on the attached map in
Stanislaus County, CA.
Sourced from
birds from the 10km radius ineligible zones slaughtered on or
after December 14, 2018 (see reference map for applicable dates and zones) and before February 24,
on or after April 20, 2019, but prior to September 18th, 2019, sourced
from birds from the 10km radius ineligible zone shown on the attached map in
Monterey County, CA.
on or after June 27, 2019, sourced from birds from the 10km radius ineligible
zone shown on the attached map in
Merced County, CA.
b. Connecticut
on or after March 29, 2019, but prior to July 6, 2019, sourced from birds
from the zone shown on the attached map in
Fairfield County, CT.
c. Georgia
in Chattooga County, GA on or after March 25, 2017, but prior to July 20, 2017,
sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map.
d. Kentucky
in Christian County, KY on or after March 17, 2017, but prior to August 24,
2017, sourced from birds from the zones shown on the attached map.
e. Minnesota
on or after October 20, 2018, but prior to April 30, 2019, sourced from
birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Kandiyohi County, MN.
on or after October 31, 2018, but prior to April 30, 2019, sourced from
birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Stearns County, MN.
on or after May 1, 2016 but prior to August 9, 2016, sourced from birds
from the zone shown on the attached map.
on or after March 3, 2018, but prior to July 30, 2018, sourced from birds
from the zone shown on the attached map in
Jasper County, MO.
on or after March 15, 2018, but prior to August 21, 2018, sourced from birds
from the zone shown on the attached map in
Webster County, MO and Wright County, MO.
g. New Jersey – slaughtered on or after July 2, 2016 but prior to
October 10, 2016, sourced from birds from the zones shown on the attached map.
h. New York – slaughtered on or after June 30, 2016 but prior to
October 6, 2016, sourced from birds from the zones shown on the attached map.
on or after March 12, 2020, sourced from birds from the 10km radius ineligible
zone shown on the attached map in
Anson and Union Counties, NC (see map for applicable dates and zones).
on or after June 29, 2016 but prior to September 28, 2016, sourced from birds
from zones shown on the attached map in
Philadelphia (and Montgomery) County, PA;
on or after March 14, 2019, but prior to August 8, 2019, sourced from birds
from the 10km radius ineligible zone shown on the attached map in
Lancaster County, PA.
k. South Carolina
on or after March 17, 2020, sourced from birds from the 10km radius ineligible
zone shown on the attached map in
Chesterfield County, SC.
(and Alabama due to coverage of ineligible zone) –
in Lincoln County, TN on or after March 4, 2017, but prior to August 16, 2017,
sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map.
in Giles County, TN on or after March 8, 2017, but prior to July 2, 2017,
sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map.
m. Texas - Slaughtered on or after March 7, 2018, but prior to June
21, 2018, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map in
Hopkins County, TX.
n. Wisconsin – slaughtered on or after March 4, 2017, but prior to
August 22, 2017, sourced from birds from the zone shown on the attached map.
Processing Requirements
A. Poultry meat and poultry meat products eligible for export to
Korea must be handled in a manner that ensures that they are not commingled
with imported poultry meat or poultry meat products. USDA's Agricultural
Marketing Service (AMS) has set up a voluntary Poultry Export Verification (EV)
Program for Korea to verify that poultry meat and poultry meat products eligible
for export to Korea are not commingled with imported poultry meat and poultry
meat products. Exporting establishments that receive and process imported
poultry meat or poultry meat products must participate in the Poultry EV
Program to be eligible to export poultry to Korea. Information about the
Poultry EV Program and a list of Poultry EV approved establishments and their
approval dates can be found at the AMS website. Each
establishment that participates in the Poultry EV Program for Korea is required
to maintain a unique product identification system, which can be accessed by
authorized FSIS inspection personnel on Partner Web via
the FSIS Intranet. Establishments that exclusively process domestic poultry
meat and poultry meat products are exempt from participating in the Poultry EV
1. Non-heat treated poultry meat and poultry meat products that are
indicated as eligible above are required to be handled in a manner that ensures
that they are not commingled with imported poultry meat or poultry meat
2. Heat-treated poultry meat and poultry meat products that are
indicated as eligible above are required to be handled in a manner that ensures
that they are not commingled with imported poultry meat or poultry meat
3. If FSIS inspection personnel become aware of concerns that an
approved Poultry EV establishment is not properly executing its Poultry EV
program, export certification should not be issued for the product in question
and AMS should be notified at QAD.AuditService@ams.usda.gov. Inspection personnel should include their immediate supervisor
on messages to AMS. The following information should be included in the
a. Establishment name, address, and establishment number
b. Product type, product code, and quantity of product
c. Date of production, lot number, and shift
d. Date and nature of observation
e. Name of country product is intended for export
certificate number (if applicable)
g. Any other information to verify claim
h. Name of inspection official
A. The country of origin must be indicated on the outside carton
for all products. Meat products with multiple country origins on the label are
prohibited and will cause the product to be rejected.
B. Labels applied to Porterhouse steaks and T-bone steaks that are
to be exported to Korea are to include a statement that these cuts are from
animals less than 30 months of age.
C. Product labeling that shows a country of destination other than
Korea or is marked with Korea and a third country will cause the product to be
rejected effective March 1, 2010.
The following information is provided for the exporter:
Effective August 4, 2016, the Republic of Korea has requested that the original
copy of FSIS Form 9060 series be presented to the Animal and Plant Quarantine
Agency (APQA) and the quadruplicate copy of FSIS Form 9060 series be
presented to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS). If FSIS Form 9060-5A is
used, a duplicate copy should be provided. The certifying official should sign
both original and duplicate copies of FSIS Form 9060-5A.
All FSIS export certificates accompanying product must be signed
by an FSIS veterinarian. The veterinary degree (DVM or equivalent) must be
indicated after the signature.
Note: Korean regulatory authorities will not accept product if
the original certificate was endorsed by the veterinarian after the consignment
has arrived in Korea
A. Certification Requirement
1. The Republic of Korea Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has
informed FSIS that when completing FSIS Form 9060-5, products should be
separately identified by weight and box count for each producing establishment.
2. Beef and beef products from eligible establishments and as set
out above with slaughter dates on or after the establishment's QSA program
approval date:
a. Obtain FSIS 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of
Note: Korean
beef importers and U.S. exporters have reached a commercial understanding that
only U.S. beef from cattle under 30-months of age will be shipped to Korea at
this time, as a transitional measure. AMS has set up a voluntary Quality System
Assessment (QSA) Program to verify that beef from participating plants will be
from cattle less than 30 months of age. Exporting establishments may choose to
participate in the AMS Quality Systems Assessment (QSA) program that verifies
the beef being certified is from cattle less than 30 months of age.
Participation in this program is not required for issuance of the FSIS 9060-5.
However, for establishments that do participate in the AMS QSA program, the
following statement may appear in Remarks on the FSIS8 9060-5: "The beef
or beef products were produced at a verified establishment under the USDA Less
than 30 Month Age Verification USDA Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program for
Korea." A list of QSA approved establishments can be obtained from
the AMS Web site.
Warning: Exporters
are hereby warned that shipments of beef without the QSA program statement
referenced above will not be accepted for port-of-entry inspection in Korea at
this time, and any such shipment will be returned to the owner/agent by Korean
quarantine officials.
b. Obtain FSIS Form 9305-7 (07/08/2008) Certificate for Export of Beef and Beef
Products to the Republic of Korea. Container number and seal number (not a USDA
seal) should be provided on FSIS Form 9305-7 when presented to an FSIS
veterinarian for signature. The certifying official should sign both the
original and duplicate copies of FSIS Form 9305-7.
1. The following information is provided for the exporter:
Effective August 4, 2016 the Republic of Korea has requested that the original
copy of FSIS Form 9305-7 be presented to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency
(APQA and the duplicate copy of FSIS Form 9305-7 be presented to the
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
c. For this product, AMS will no longer provide a SOV letter, and
such a letter is not required to issue the certificate.
3. Pork and pork products
a. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Certificate of
b. Obtain FSIS Form 9305-5 (04/17/2013), Certificate for the Export of Pork Meat to
the Republic of Korea. See Guideline for Completion of FSIS Form 9305-5. The certifying official should sign both the original and
duplicate copies of FSIS Form 9305-5.
1. The following information is provided for the exporter:
Effective August 4, 2016 the Republic of Korea has requested that the original
copy of FSIS Form 9305-5 be presented to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency
(APQA) and the duplicate copy of FSIS Form 9305-5 be presented to the
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
Note: FSIS
Form 9305-5 contains a block at the bottom of the form to be completed by the
exporter or shipper in which is entered information such as shipping port, name
of vessel, container number and seal number (not a USDA seal). The FSIS
veterinarian may sign the certificate without this block completed and the
exporter is responsible for its accuracy.
Also, concerning the residue statement on this form, this statement can be made
based upon the FSIS National Residue Program (NRP), including the developmental
stages of each year's NRP. The development includes an evaluation of all
potential chemicals that are hazardous to public health that might be
associated with meat and poultry products. Even though all compounds are not
ultimately selected for testing, they are all considered during the process of
identifying and evaluating compounds of concern. Those compounds not included
in the testing portion of the NRP are considered not to be a significant risk
of causing harmful residues. Information about the NRP is routinely provided to
officials in receiving countries.
4. All U.S. meat packages mailed or hand-carried to Republic of
Korea must be accompanied with FSIS Form 9060-5 and the appropriate 9305 form
as outlined above.
5. Non-heat treated poultry meat and poultry meat products sourced
from birds hatched and raised in the United States that are indicated as
eligible above.
a. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Certificate of
b. For non-heat treated poultry meat and poultry meat products that
are indicated as eligible above, obtain FSIS Form 9305-2A (10/01/2018 edition), Certificate for Export of Poultry Meat to the Republic of
Korea. The certifying official should sign both the original and duplicate
copies of FSIS Form 9305-2A.
The name of
the shipping port, name of vessel (or flight number), shipping date, container
number, seal number, name and address of exporter/ shipper, and name and
address of consignee should be identified on FSIS form 9305-2A in the section
that is to be completed by the exporter/shipper. All refrigerated export
containers of raw poultry must be sealed.
9305-2A requires that the following information be provided: Est./Plant No.,
Name and Address of the Slaughterhouse(s), Est./Plant No., Name and Address of
Processing Plant, Est. No., Name and Address of Cold Storage, Packing or
Processing Dates, Place Where Certificate was Issued, and Slaughter Dates. If
the space provided on FSIS Form 9305-2A is not sufficient to list the required
information, the words "SEE ATTACHED" can be entered into the form in
the blocks requiring this information, and the requested information then be
provided on FSIS Form 2630-9, Continuation sheet to provide supplemental information for FSIS Form 9305-2A.
The certifying official should sign both the original and duplicate copies of
FSIS Form 2630-9, Continuation Sheet.
following information is provided for the exporter: Effective August 4, 2016,
the Republic of Korea has requested that the original copy of FSIS Form 9305-2A
and FSIS Form 2630, Continuation Sheet, when applicable, be presented to the
Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA) and the duplicate copy of FSIS
Form 9305-2A and FSIS Form 2630, Continuation Sheet, when applicable, be
presented to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
6. For heat treated poultry meat and poultry meat products shipped
on or after January 1, 2016, obtain FSIS Form 9305-2B (12/29/2015 edition), Certificate for Export of Heat Treated Poultry Meat and
Poultry Meat Products to the Republic of Korea (ROK). The certifying official
should sign both the original and duplicate copies of FSIS Form 9305-2B.
The name of
the shipping port, name of vessel (or flight number), shipping date, container
number, seal number, name and address of exporter/ shipper, and name and
address of consignee should be identified on FSIS form 9305-2B in the section
that is to be completed by the exporter/shipper. All refrigerated export
containers of raw poultry must be sealed.
9305-2B requires that the following information be provided: Est./ Plant No.,
Name and Address of the Slaughterhouse(s), Est./ Plant No., Name and Address of
Processing Plant, Est. No., Name and Address of Cold Storage, Packing or
Processing Dates, Place Where Certificate was Issued, and Slaughter Dates. If
the space provided on FSIS Form 9305-2B is not sufficient to list the required
information, the words "SEE ATTACHED" can be entered into the form in
the blocks requiring this information, and the requested information then be
provided on FSIS Form 9630-9, Continuation sheet to provide supplemental information for FSIS Form 9305-2B.
The certifying official should sign both the original and duplicate copies of
FSIS Form 2630-9, Continuation Sheet.
following information is provided for the exporter: Effective August 4, 2016,
the Republic of Korea has requested that the original copy of FSIS Form 9305-2B
and FSIS Form 2630, Continuation Sheet, when applicable, be presented to the
Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA) and the duplicate copy of FSIS
Form 9305-2B and FSIS Form 2630, Continuation Sheet, when applicable, be
presented to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
poultry and poultry products - the following statement must be included in the
"Remarks" section of the 9060-5 certificate:
"The canned poultry meat and poultry meat products were heat processed to
a core temperature of 120 degrees Celsius for at least 4 minutes or an
equivalent treatment."
B. If the product contains meat from multiple species, the
appropriate FSIS 9305 series certificate for each species should be provided in
addition to FSIS Form 9060-5.
C. FSIS Form 9060-5 shall include the species of livestock from
which the product was derived. If not already part of the product name, this
information should be placed in parentheses immediately preceding the name of
the product in the "PRODUCT AS LABELED" column.
D. The Republic of Korea requires that the state of refrigeration
at the time of certification be indicated in the "PRODUCT AS LABELED"
block of FSIS Form 9060-5. For example, a product labeled as "pork
belly" must be entered as "pork belly (frozen)" when the product
is shipped frozen. The term frozen may be entered in the block if the product
is frozen at the time of export inspection even if "frozen" is not
part of the product name. Should fresh product be shipped, (e.g. air shipment)
the term "chilled" would be used.
E. FSIS Form 9305 series certificates are not required for
shipments to the U.S. military in Korea.
F. Inedible Products - Export certification of inedible products,
other than technical animal fat (9 CFR 351) and certified pet food (9 CFR 355),
is no longer provided by FSIS. Exporters should contact APHIS field offices to
obtain information about certification of inedible products. A list of APHIS
offices is available at APHIS' Web site
G. Pork Casings -- Obtain FSIS Form 9060-7 and FSIS Form 9305-9 (03/19/2018). The following information must be entered in the appropriate
blocks of FSIS Form 9305-9: the name, address, and establishment number of the
casing processing plant and cold storage if applicable. The certifying official
should sign both the original and duplicate copies of FSIS Form 9305-9.
1. The following information is provided for the exporter:
Effective August 4, 2016, the Republic of Korea has requested that the original
copy of FSIS Form 9305-9 be presented to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency
(APQA) and the duplicate copy of FSIS Form 9305-9 be presented to the
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
2. Only pork casings from animals slaughtered in the United States
and processed in the United States are eligible for export to Korea. The
animals must have been born and raised in the United States or legally imported
from Canada and residing in the United States for at least 3 months.
H. Protein-Free Tallow -- Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 if the product
bears the U.S. mark of inspection. The following certification statement must
be included in the "Remarks" section:
"Certified materials have been tested, and
found to have a level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% or less."
This certification statement will be included on the export certificate based
on the presentation of a certificate issued by an independent laboratory.
See paragraph 8. above regarding certification of inedible tallow.
Pork exported
to Korea for further processing and subsequently exported to Japan - Upon the
request of the exporter, the following information must be provided either in
the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on an FSIS letterhead
certificate (which is signed by the same FSIS veterinarian signing the export
a. Statements for pork intended for re-export to Japan:
"The meat and/or meat products described herein were processed under
sanitary conditions in accordance with laws and regulations of the United
States. The laws and regulations of the United States have been deemed to be
equivalent to the inspection laws of Japan."
"The USA is free of hog cholera; vaccination against hog cholera is
prohibited; and importation of pigs vaccinated against hog cholera is
Name, address, and establishment number
of the slaughter (If product is quarter, half, or whole carcass) or processing
plant (if packaged product).
"Date (Month/Year) of slaughter and
inspection", if product is quarter, half, or whole carcass or "Date
(Month/Year) of Manufacture" if cuts or processed products, i.e., Pack
Note: This procedure does not apply to beef.
A. Ready-to-eat products, regardless of the origin or type of
product, are required to have negative test results for coliforms. These lab
results are not required prior to certification for export; however, the
exporter should be aware that the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs in the
Republic of Korea reserves the right to test shipments. Products that have
positive test results will be rejected.
B. Chemical Residue Limits. U.S. meat products may be rejected due
to inconsistencies between U.S. and Korean standards for residues in meat
products. Specific information regarding Korea's residue limits can be obtained
from importexport@fsis.usda.gov.
C. Use of tenderizers and irradiation. Korea has specific
requirements when tenderizers and irradiation are
used in the production of beef and beef products. Beef and beef products
produced using these processes that do not meet Korea requirements will be
rejected. Poultry meat and poultry meat products cannot be treated with
ionizing, ultraviolet rays, tenderizers, or other products likely to alter its
nature or components.
D. ROK requires kidneys to be removed from all poultry carcasses.
An exception to this requirement allows for kidneys to remain in broiler carcasses.
Additionally, ROK does not allow the importation of giblets with whole
E. Military Shipments. Shipments of meat destined solely for
distribution to the U.S. military are not required to meet Republic of Korea
standards. Military shipments are not exempt from animal health requirements,
including AI restrictions, for exports to Korea.
F. Ship Stores. For meat and poultry products exported to ship
stores, the same export certificates must accompany the product as are required
by the Republic of Korea. The only exception is when the container is
off-loaded directly to a bonded yard and picked up at the yard by the cruise
ship without entering quarantine areas (ship to ship). If the exporter
indicates in Block 14 of FSIS 9060-6, Application for Export Certificate, that
the product will meet this requirement, product is not required to meet Korea
requirements and FSIS can issue basic export certification (FSIS Form 9060-5
with "Ships Stores" in the Remarks).
G. Samples and products intended for personal consumption must meet
all Republic of Korea standards, including the AMS QSA program requirement for
beef. They must also be accompanied by the same export certificates applicable
to the product as required by Korea and described in the ¡°Documentation Requirements¡±
H. Products containing both meat or poultry and processed egg
ingredients, bearing the USDA mark of inspection, must be produced under the
USDA AMS Further Processed Egg Products Verification (PEEPEV) program.
In addition to all applicable FSIS export certificates required to accompany
the meat or poultry product exported to the Republic of Korea, exporters must
obtain AMS Form LPS-234 for the egg ingredient in the product. Please contact
AMS at EV.Export@usda.gov for more information. *
Plants Eligible to Export
Federally inspected establishments producing beef and beef
products intended for export to Korea need to participate in the AMS EV program
and be listed on the "Official Listing of Eligible Suppliers for USDA
Bovine EV Program." Inspection program personnel can access the list
at AMS' Website.
Approved slaughter/processing facilities are responsible for designating cold
storage locations for their exports to Korea. The List of Designated Cold
Storage Facilities can be accessed by authorized FSIS inspection personnel on
the Partner Web via the FSIS Intranet.
All other meat and poultry products eligible for export to Korea
can originate from any federally inspected establishment.
Note: Korea
compares both the exporting and producing plant information entered on the
export certificate to the listing in the FSIS Meat and Poultry Inspection (MPI)
Directory. If the establishment is not listed in the directory or if any
information about the plant (i.e., company name, address, or type of operation
code following the establishment number in the directory) is different from
that published in the directory, product may be detained. Contact Import Export
Coordination and Policy Development Staff (IECPDS) (Phone (202) 720-0082 or
(855) 444-9904, Fax (202) 720-7990 or importexport@fsis.usda.gov for
Suspended for Export
Note: For
establishments exporting products containing poultry from the establishments
listed below, these products are ineligible for export if the poultry is
processed on or after the date of the suspension.
Est. P56, Pilgrim¡¯s Pride Corp, Timberville, VA. Products loaded
on or after January 24, 2017 are not eligible for export.
Est P7927 Amick Farms, LLC 274 Nealson St. Hurlock MD. Products
loaded on or after March 27, 2018 are not eligible for export.
Est P3, Mountaire Farms of Delaware, Inc., 29005 John J Williams
Highway, Millsboro, DE. Products loaded on or after April 3, 2018 are not
eligible for export.
Est P7470, Mountaire Farms Inc. – NC Division, 17269 NC Highway
71 North, Lumber Bridge, NC. Products loaded on or after April 20, 2018 are not
eligible for export.
Est P32 Mar-Jac Poultry, Inc., 1020 Aviation Blvd, Gainesville,
GA. Products loaded on or after April 24, 2018 are not eligible for export.
Est P17980 Pilgrim¡¯s Pride Corp., 2050 Highway 15 South, Sumter,
SC. Products loaded on or after April 24, 2018 are not eligible for export.
Est P18285 Perdue Foods LLC., 2047 Highway 9 West, Dillon, SC.
Products loaded on or after April 26, 2018 are not eligible for export.
Est P19128 Case Farms of North Carolina, Inc., 330 Pecan Road,
Dudley, NC. Products loaded on or after April 26, 2018 are not eligible for
The following establishment has been temporarily suspended from
all USDA Bovine Export Verification (EV) and AMS Quality Systems Assessment
(QSA) Programs:
Est 7041B Beltex Corporation dba Frontier Meats, Inc., 3801
North Grove Street, Fort Worth, TX. Products derived from cattle slaughtered on
or after September 12, 2019 are not eligible for export.
Est 267 JBS Tolleson Inc., 651 S. 91st Ave., Tolleson, AZ.
Products loaded on or after November 19, 2019 are not eligible for export.
Relisted for Export
Est. 628, Swift Beef Company, Hyrum, UT. Relisted for export of
eligible products from cattle slaughtered on or after October 21, 2016.
Products derived from cattle slaughtered before October 21, 2016 are not
Est. 1957, Chicago Meat Authority, Chicago, IL. Relisted for
export of eligible products from cattle slaughtered on or after October 24,
2016. Products derived from cattle slaughtered before October 24, 2016
are not eligible.
Est. 3D, Swift Beef Company, Cactus, TX. Relisted for export of
eligible products from cattle slaughtered on or after December 23, 2013.
Products derived from cattle slaughtered before December 23, 2013 are not
Est. 86R, Cargill Meat Solutions, Ft. Morgan, CO. Relisted
for export of eligible products from cattle slaughtered before August 7, 2014
and on or after September 17 2014. Products derived from cattle
slaughtered on or after August 7, 2014, and before September 17, 2014, are not
Est. 3039, International Casing Group, 4420 S. Wolcott Ave.,
Chicago, IL. Relisted for export of pork casings processed on or after
February 3, 2015.
Est. 27254, Dewied International, 5010 East IH-10, San Antonio,
TX. Relisted for export of pork casings processed on or after February 3,
Est. M969, Swift Beef Company, Greely, CO, Relisted for
export of eligible beef products slaughtered and processed on or after August
3, 2017.